So it has been a hot minute since my last post about Cookie Therapy and needless to say I did end up ordering another box. I was strategic when purchasing my next box because I wanted to make sure I was 1. experiencing new flavors 2. getting a deal (over the weeks I had seen additional cookies being offered in some boxes and 3. that I was mentally prepared to spend another $40 on a box of cookies.
While I was 2 out of the 3 requirements necessary to purchase my second box, I felt that was good enough, because let’s admit it, who is ever really going to be mentally prepared to pay $40 for 6 cookies. For the love of my blog, I sucked it up, set my alarm and claimed my prize.
So this time around things were a little different. First, drop off deliveries were no longer a thing. Yeah, that ended real quick. Now instead of being greeted by someone holding a box of cookies, I won the grand prize of having to have $10 for shipping. Awesome, so now my $40 cookies just became $50 cookies. $50 cookies that were going to ride around in a truck all day and then sit on my porch for God knows how long, in the middle of July. Terrific. Great. So excited.
Not. At. All.
Now I will say that I had the option to go pick them up in Troy, free of charge (gee wow, what a deal) and I quickly threw that option out the door when I thought about 1. troy 2. the constant flow of traffic and construction in Troy 3. The fact that I work during the day, like a normal person and I do not have time to pick up a box of cookies on a lunch that it is nonexistent. Wow, even as I am writing this, I am thinking what an idiot! Who pays $50 for cookies?! Yup, that idiot would be me.
… but AB, you said you wanted to be apart of the cool kids, the “in-crowd” in your first post. Well yeah, that kid grew up and realized that 7 cookies (this box I got a “free” Lulu. Nothing is free kids, always remember that) for $50 probably is a bad investment. Lord if my Father read this post, I can only image the lectures I would get. However in this case and pretty much every case before this, my Father would be right. This is a TERRIBLE way to spend my hard earned money and with that being said, I do feel TERRIBLE for the truths I am about to reveal, however I would be a TERRIBLE person if I didn’t tell you how it really is.
After much experience and much outside research, it is safe to say that the reason these cookies are so amazing the first initial experience, is because they are pretty much raw cookie dough. Not quiet sure how they are getting away with this as I have talked to at least 3 people that have gotten sick from eating them. In my first post, I wrote that I became sick after eating one, but that I credited it to the fact that I ate it way too fast. Now I am here to say I credit the sickness to the fact that the cookies are cooked on the outside (somewhat) but pure cookie dough in the middle. And they can break open as many cookies as they want on their Instagram feed, but I know what I ate and I know what happened after I did.
This box I made it through two cookies before I called it quits. My stomach couldn’t take it anymore and it got to the point where even my brother wouldn’t eat them. That right there, is proof that it went South real quick. After I was unable to “give away” the cookies, I threw them into my freezer and closed the door on Cookie Therapy. Several people have reached out and asked me to review specific cookie companies that are new out there and I promise, those reviews are coming. But for now, it is bye Felicia to this so called fad. Don’t let the door hit ya xo