If there has been one question that my mother always encouraged me to ask, it was the question, “why.” Why is the sky blue? Why do we have 10 fingers and not 9? Why are you asking so many questions? Why, is the word that drives almost every parent nuts, because sometimes, we just do not have the answers.

And as I get older, I am finding that adults are beginning to stop asking why. When I first started my new job, I did not really ask why I was doing the things I was doing, rather I just did them and tried to learn them as I went. A couple months in, I began to ask why. Why did we put the papers in this order? Why did we have to fill out this report? Why did we type up the work orders each week? I was shocked to find that sometimes, employees who had been working at the company for 20 years, really did not have an answer to my question. They did not know why things were done the way they were and when I showed them a quicker method, they resorted back to their old ways… but that’s another topic.why

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