I wanted to try and incorporate more product reviews into my blog and I have been going back and forth with how to successfully do this. I wasn’t sure if writing a post or videoing a post would be the best way to do this. It is no surprise that I decided to start with writing a product post, since that is what I am comfortable with. I have no problems getting on camera and showing you a product, but I fall behind in concept of video editing and to be honest, it kinda scares me. I guess that is why you have Instagram and Snapchat? I will try both and let you decide what you prefer. Or maybe I won’t. I am gonna go with the latter.
I recently stumbled upon this mascara, I believe from a Popsugar blog post with the top 50 items highly rated on Amazon. I could be totally off on that, but let’s roll with it. Over the years, I have spent a good deal of money on makeup. Haven’t we all? Makeup is really important to me, because I am sure like most females, I am a maniac when it comes to my face/skin. Any amount of money spent on my face, better be worth it and I better be able to justify the purchase.
I know what you are thinking, she said mascara but is taking about her face/skin? So where exactly are we going here? …OK, so I look at my “head” if want to be a smartass, as my face. This includes my hair, my eyebrows, my ears, my skin ON MY FACE, etc. When it comes to this “area” of my body, I tend to go above and beyond. I make sure my hair is always healthy, shout out to the Team at Jenna’s Salon, my eyebrows are shaped just right, shout out to Brittany at European Wax and my skin is #flawless, shout out to Dr. Jen & team at Upstate Dermatology on Route 9. It is a lot at times, but like I said earlier, I am a little bit psycho about my face/skin.
Side note… I am thinking video posts will prevent this type of rambling from occurring. Just a thought.
I have always believed that you needed to spend a lot of money on any product, in order for it to be good. I have felt this way for a long time about my skincare regium and my makeup purchases. I will never forget my first appointment at Upstate Dermatology when I was so proud to provide Dr. Jen with step by step instructions of my skincare routine, along with a list of what I considered to be top of the line products that I used.
About two weeks prior, I went to Lord & Taylor, dropping an ungodly amount of money (and no I will not say how much, because I know my Mom is reading and she will mention it to my Dad, who will then call me and want to “talk” about my spending habits). Basically to give you a “general idea” I basically paid the Chanel makeup artist’s rent for that month. I felt a twinge of buyer’s remorse, but quickly justified it with how AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL (because that’s what the Chanel woman told me and DUH they are real people too) my skin would be.
As I read off the list of products, in routine order, my dermatologist looked at me as if she was going to shatter all of my hopes and dreams. And she did. After I finished, she informed me that Chanel, while pretty and fancy, falls within the category of worse products for your skin. Cue buyer’s remorse. My hopes and dreams of AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL skin were completely shattered. Gone. Non-existent like the money in my bank account. She recommended me with some very simple products that you could even buy in Wal-Mart, imagine that! Insert, another blow to my gut.
Side note… I am getting totally off topic. Video posts here we come.
OK, OK, so the list of products she recommended will be another post, probably actually a video post. And because of these products, I actually do have AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL skin AND my bank account survived (see Dad, I am listening #justsaying). Yup. Let’s pause for a minute, because I totally just forgot what I was writing about.
MASCARA! YES! I will wrap this up quick. Something I should have done about 15 minutes ago. OK so let’s recap. I found this mascara on Amazon at the recommendation of Popsugar and am in love with it for multiple reasons:
- It is named “Lash Princess” and that alone is reason enough to buy it. I am a queen and a princess, depending who you ask!
- It is paraben free and cruelty free, again another fabulous reason.
- It is super cheap and after my Chanel ordeal, I am still having PTSD from even entering Lord & Taylor, let alone a go anywhere near a makeup counter. It costs $4.99 for one tube and offers options for multi-packs.
- The mascara comes in three different types to choose from: False Lash Effect, Sculpted Volume, False Lash Waterproof. I have tried and stuck to the False Lash Effect my last two orders and I LOVE IT!
- It is Amazon Prime eligible aka FREE SHIPPING and delivery in 2 days or less!
- It has almost 13,000 reviews on Amazon with an overall 4.2 star rating (out of 5).
- It lasts a while. I purchased my first tube on 9/22/19 and placed my most recent order on 1/6/20. That’s using it almost every day. Not too shabby!
- I am trying to get to 10 reasons, but I am not gonna feed you bullshit.
For $4.99 what is the worse that could happen? You don’t like it and feel the need to yell at me, demanding your money back. Ummmm, no that is what Amazon Customer Service is for and you have 30 days to return it if you aren’t happy. I have put this mascara in multiple links, but for the not so bright crayons in the box, here it is again. If you buy, let me know what you think xo
*This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. So help a girl out!
Well I’m going to try the mascara! We’re going to have to give me something to not tell dad about Lord & Taylor. Loved your blogs. Andi