Over the last couple of months, I have become a big fan of listening to talk shows on the radio.  Maybe I like to listen to people’s problems so that I know how good I actually have it, or maybe I am just interested to see if other people are going through the same thing […]

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If there is one thing I have a hard time dealing with, it is people who copy other people. I mean we all are considered posers at one point in time, because we all have celebrity icons that we mimic or follow or just try to be, but at some point we gravitate towards our […]

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The other day I had a conversation with a woman that I had met once and spoke with briefly.  I saw here this past weekend again at a party and she and I just really hit it off. We spent a good amount of time talking about life in general and I was just blown […]

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Working with women is hard. Working for a woman is even harder. And being a hard working woman is the hardest. But this should come as no surprise. Women are tough. We are hard to get along with and we are even harder to understand. Our moods vary and our thoughts bounce around like a […]

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So I have been playing catch up on the Bachelor over the last couple of weeks, hell I have been playing catch up with my life. I am just so far behind on everything that I am forgetting birthdays, special events, even peoples name. But that’s besides the point. As I caught up last night […]

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As I look at my Instagram feed and even my Facebook feed, I am stunned by all of the quotes and cryptic messages, that mean one thing but really another, are posted on my timelines. Is life really that hard? Or do we just make it hard for ourselves? The answer is obvious, we make […]

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