I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas! Today is not just a holiday but a day that should be taken to spend with family, loved ones, and friends. It is a day that is filled with laughter, smiles, love and a day where memories are created for a lifetime. As life goes on some […]

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I always battle with the phrase, “I’m sorry.” I battled saying it and then I also battled believing people when they said it. In my past relationships when my ex would say, “I’m sorry” he would expect the fight to just end right ther. Finished. Never brought up again. But because of my age (I […]

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One of the biggest take aways from attending graduate school, was that I was encouraged to get a mentor, someone who would help me lay the early stages for my career. To me, my career is my life. I will be honest, I find it hard to relate to people who say that their career […]

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I am starting to get to a point in my life, well I think I have been here once or twice before, where I just kind of stopped giving a flying f@#k about things that really just don’t mean anything, or people that just below dirt. And that’s right, you assholes that have left me […]

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Have you ever met someone that you just can’t get enough of? Like in the sense that their energy is just addicting. I definitely think that there are super natural powers in this world and I do believe in energy. Now, I am not one to have crystals around my room or wear those stupid […]

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Recently, I deactivated my Facebook. I have done this before and have had a really hard time not accessing it and sticking to my “idea” of separating myself from the FB drama.  I felt as if I were missing out on a part of society, missing the drama, and feeling as if I were kicked […]

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What is it with men today? Was there a class where they learned how to disappear after a matter of a few weeks or when things become serious with a woman? Did I miss the memo? Did I miss the class? It seems to be a reoccurring theme with boys… and I will call them […]

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