
It has been a while since I have been a vacation, and I am not talking like a weekend vacation with girlfriends or a trip home to see Mom and Dad. I am talking like a real vacation: no cell phones, no TV, no plans, no worries. When it came to packing for this trip, […]

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The word “expectations” scares me and I will be the first to admit that. It scares me because expectations can be so hurtful and deceitful. When you are younger you don’t really understand what expectations are, you just kind of think that everything is perfect and our parents in a way make our world seem […]

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So I have been playing catch up on the Bachelor over the last couple of weeks, hell I have been playing catch up with my life. I am just so far behind on everything that I am forgetting birthdays, special events, even peoples name. But that’s besides the point. As I caught up last night […]

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