I must admit that I have been pretty satisfied with my “summer reads” so far and there comes this sense of self-satisfaction because some of them I have discovered on my own, making me feel like I am on top of things and rollin’ with the in-crowd. No. Not at all. Stop it.
Mr. Nobody written by the infamous Catherine Steadman (one of my new FAVORITE authors), completely slayed all expectations I had starting this book. If you thought Something in the Water was good, this book runs circles around it. Steadman drank the Kool-Aid and hopped on the “I write kick-ass books” train, heading to destination, “mind-blown.” Yes friends, it was THAT good. As you know, or maybe you don’t but on top of listening to my audio books when driving, I also listen to them when walking. I love to walk and could probably just walk forever. Running used to be my thing, but after several broken ankles, arthritis in my knees and you know, a car accident, running and I just didn’t see eye to eye. When I get a good book, as I had when I started Mr. Nobody, I literally would find any excuse to walk. I would walk one dog, then the next dog and then I felt I should walk myself and I would just keep walking and walking and walking until it became dark or I just was dying of the humidity.
But I took it a step farther and did something I rarely do, I listened to the book while getting ready in the morning. And that statement right there my friends, is all you need to know because my mornings are my quiet time. Joey has usually left for the day, and it’s just me, the girls and Bucca Cat crying for his breakfast. I am not a morning person. I do not want the TV on blasting the latest negative news stories, nor do I want the radio on attempting to “pump me up” and get my day started. I want it quiet and if you can’t be quiet, well let’s just say, things might get ugly. Therefore for me to play my audio book during my quiet time, is me breaking all the rules.
Filled with twists and turns and questions dancing around your head at night, Mr. Nobody is probably the best summer read yet. I am not sure why this book has not received the hype that Something In the Water received, but maybe it’s because I am the first to discover it. Doubt it, but I would like to think that’s true. Happy reads xo