Isn’t is weird when close friends find themselves in similar situations that you, yourself were once in? As women, we are always quick to give our advice, because 99% of the time we think we can relate to the situation with a similar experience. But that is the thing. We think we can relate and after talking to one of my really close friends about her current situation, I know that I our situations are almost identical. Identical to the point of being scary even or somewhat déjà vu-ish. It is to the point, that I can truly give her my advice and know when I say, “Been there, done that” I have truly been in her shoes.
While I am not going to spend the time explaining the situation, 1. because I respect her situation and privacy and 2. because that is not the point of this post. I want to share with you the point I tried and hoped to get across to her, and that is to trust your gut and listen to your heart.
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When I made the decision to move back to New York, some, actually many people looked at me like I was crazy. Here I was leaving sunny, warm, fun, beautiful Florida, for cold winters, allergy infested seasons, and the grey days of New York. But what those people did not know was what I felt in my heart every time I came “home” to visit my handsome nephew or see my beautiful sister in law and protective brother. They didn’t know the gut feeling I had of feeling back in “my place” with my childhood friends (who I still see every month). They did not understand the memories that flooded me and almost rocked me into a state of calmness when I drove by a familiar local business or saw my high school teacher. I felt this every single time I came home and in the beginning, I ignored it. It ignored it because I wanted to be happy in Florida with my new friends, my new beginnings and with a new chapter in my life. But my instincts were still there, reminding me of everything I felt during my visits, after I returned.
And your body will only let you ignore something for so long until it wins. Your body always wins. It knows what you want, it knows what you need and it knows how to make you go out and get it… whatever it may be! I decided to stop listening to those around me and for the most part trained myself to float off into La La Land every time someone felt the need to share their thoughts about me leaving my carefree lifestyle in Florida. I knew they had my best interests at heart, but they also couldn’t hear what my heart wanted. I wanted to be surrounded my friends, my family and my amazing, handsome and the love of my life… my nephew xo