Happy Friday

let me tell you how it really is
I have run into a lot of situations through my work experience where my supervisor will not support me and my decisions, or support me as an individual who is trying to grow their career. This irritates me as an employee and makes me feel on the lower end of the totem pole. With bosses […]
No matter what type of relationship you are in or who you are dealing with, communication is key. It is important to establish an open line of communication with friends, family members and even co-workers. However, it is not easy to do that because with communication comes emotion and a lot of the time we […]
I was finished at the nail salon yesterday and I was waiting for my ride, yes that’s right, my ride. For those of you who do not know, I had foot surgery a week ago and cannot drive for the next two weeks. So I am 15 again, having to ask for rides and waiting […]
Over the last couple of months, I have become a big fan of listening to talk shows on the radio. Maybe I like to listen to people’s problems so that I know how good I actually have it, or maybe I am just interested to see if other people are going through the same thing […]
A friend of mine was going through a lot of back and forths with this one guy that she just couldn’t let go. Now I am NEVER one to tell a girl to shake a guy, but I knew where this was heading, umm duh, because I have experienced it and been down her road […]
…And no I am not talking about the thing that you and your girlfriends always joke about going to. Speed dating is something that many single women at some point in their life experience. Speed dating is where we take the numerous dating opportunities that we have, but have just been pushing off and throw […]