There is always one in every group, right? Do you know what I am talking about or know of someone who first popped in your head when I made that statement? I am talking about a dark cloud, a person that just knows how to rain on your parade. Well today, I am going to be a dark cloud and it sucks, because it is such a gorgeous day out! I keep my mouth shut on so many things that I see on Facebook or Instagram (well I try to at least), and today I will not keep silent as I see so many tacky photos people are posting of opening day at the day.
Did you know that last year at Saratoga Race Track, 15 horses died during track season? That’s like 15 classmates or coworkers dying during a semester or a business quarter. Did you read that statement again? You should. It is disgusting that we support such a heinous and ridiculous sport right in our own backyard. Did you go to the track today? Well, if you did, you disgust me.
And here I go… not only with my own personal experiences, but statistics, people. Numbers for the dumb folks who failed statistics in high school.
Earlier this year is when I really decided to take a stand on my hatred against horse racing. My Mom was contacted by a friend of hers that told her about a beautiful thoroughbred gelding that was in a bad situation. The horse had raced and bowed two tendons in his front legs. Don’t know what that means? Google it. Educate yourself. The owner was going to put him down as he did not want to lay the horse off for the time he needed to heal (approximately 6 months) and he would end up loosing money in the long run. Now, if anyone knows my mother, they already know we ended up with the horse.
This was one situation. One situation on one day at one barn, with one owner and one horse. Now can you wrap your head around how many times these situations happen every day, at every barn in the world, with every thoroughbred on the planet? Again, remember the 15 horses that were “recorded” dying during the track season. At one track, in one state, in one country. Do I have you convinced yet? If not, read over this article from the New York Times, which depicts one of the assholes that continued to train a horse after the farrier showed him the holes in his hooves (and for you non-believers, there is video footage included with the article where the trainer acknowledges the holes). The worst part about this story was the trainer saying the horse died from colic in his report.
So while all of your wanna-be women go prancing around in your too short dresses, that you should of bought two sizes bigger or you assholes that think wearing a fancy suit and walking around with arm pit sweat marks on your shirts, think that today is a glorious day, well here I am to be your dark cloud. Your little, but powerful dark cloud coming at you will full force. I will never stop hating on people who support this “sport” and I will never stop ranting about the facts that so many people choose to ignore.
The horse my parents saved is named Thunder. He is happy, healthy and healed with nothing but acres of grass to eat and love surrounding him everyday. I love you Mom and Dad xo