How are the choices that you make defining who you are as a person? And when is the last time we have stopped to reflect on our decisions as a whole? Have a beautiful week xo

… but wait it is Tuesday. Great, I already messed this up. Let’s just roll with it.

I chose today’s motivational quote for more than one reason. First, I am a huge fan of J.K. Rowling’s books and the whole “Harry Potter” empire that she created… from just a dream! Second, today’s motivation speaks volumes to the age old saying, Actions Speak Louder Than Words, and that is a statement I have stayed true to throughout most of my twenties.

So yes, while I realize it is Tuesday, continue throughout your week, reflecting on the choices you make. How are your choices defining you as an individual? As a friend? As a family member? And also ask yourself, are you letting your life be defined by the choices you do make or the ones you don’t? Have a beautiful week xo